Ruth Bader Ginsberg...the most famous female lawyer in the world
Ruth Bader Ginsberg...chinchilla
Ruth believes in Equal Rights
Ginsie is a boy named Ruth
Ginsie is Cliff's pet chinchilla, a boy, very cute, cute, cute.
Cliff has wanted a pet chinchilla for years. He found one that someone was giving away in San Diego and we went down to get it. Then I asked the fateful question. Why are the other people ggiving him away. The young man said...the crying. The crying, I asked. Yes he cries all night. We both opted for a "no" on the screamer...and it was an inside joke for many months.
One of Cliff's favorite times with Ginsie is bath time. To stay in the spirit of the moment...he does take Ginsie to the bathroom for bath time. Chinchillas actually bathe in dust...it is true
They are indeed adorable. How many would it take to make a little shawl...mmmmm??
Ginsie is a boy named Ruth
Ginsie is Cliff's pet chinchilla, a boy, very cute, cute, cute.
Cliff has wanted a pet chinchilla for years. He found one that someone was giving away in San Diego and we went down to get it. Then I asked the fateful question. Why are the other people ggiving him away. The young man said...the crying. The crying, I asked. Yes he cries all night. We both opted for a "no" on the screamer...and it was an inside joke for many months.
One of Cliff's favorite times with Ginsie is bath time. To stay in the spirit of the moment...he does take Ginsie to the bathroom for bath time. Chinchillas actually bathe in dust...it is true
They are indeed adorable. How many would it take to make a little shawl...mmmmm??