OK. Here goes. My first blog...my original thought was to journal...but this is much easier. I am sure that you are wondering from where the name comes. Caryl and I were traveling in BFE Colorado and we were lost and looked up and saw this sign...it seemed like an omen
A day off...the lure of a movie with the best popcorn in town (almost makes up for the worst seats in the city). Elegy with Patricia Clarkson, Ben Kingsley, Dennis Hopper, and the impossibly beautiful Penelope Cruz. An overwhelming feeling of sadness envelopes one while you traverse Kingsley's empty life. Fabulous acting (or should I say fabuloso).
I was the third person in the theater. I took my seat in the middle seat in the middle row in theater two. The next two people who came in walked through the empty theater and selected the seat next to me...and they were loud talkers...Talk talk talking about Sara Palin....the child bearing, gun toting, oil drilling, son of a preacher man (don't know about this, but Bobbi Gentry would have had a field day with this one). Are we supposed to turn to her because she has ovaries?? OMG...shoot me now (oops! she just might).