The word Push Button conjurs up horrors for me...past, present, and I am sure future.
Past....When I was in college this was my car. It was gorgeous. I was a spoiled brat. This lovely vehicle had a very "low slung pan." I do not know whta that really meant but to me it meant that any time it rained and you had to go through a big puddle the car died. Had I been older I would have avoided puddles. Bur instead I would always forge (quite literally) ahead. One day I took the car "skimming" (car version of "swimming") and it drowned. I told my father that is was a piece of s...--not in those words certainly. He said he would take it and get it fixed.

The next day when I arrived at home there was a strange car in the driveway. I went inside and asked where my car was. He said in the driveway. I was horrified. He said that I would never take anything for granted again (in hindsite I guess he was really POd). The strange car you ask was a 1963 Dodge Dart GT with a Push

Moving on to the panic button. The panic button is what you have when you save something on the computer over something important that you really needed. Or when you accidentally send out an email to "all" on your email list. For those of you who received my email and feel you shouldn't have...please simply delete and forgive me! Be thankful that I am not in control of other buttons, ie. the nuke them all button (W has control of that afraid, very afraid). The picture above is exactly how I felt when I realized what I had done...but as we know, done is done, deleted is deleted, Jaguar/Dodge Dart (explain that to your carpool).

Why are these problems happening because it is all so damn easy!!! Let's go back to having it take real effort to screw up! Make it so you have to work for it! Come on now....I am tired of being able to mess up easy...I need some effort to go into my little disasters.