I admit it...I love Nicholas Cage. The funny voice, the blue eyes, what can I say. It is a secret I tell few people. To love Nicholas Cage you must be prepared to expect very little from a Nicholas Cage (Bangkok Dangerous, in this case) movie...if you expect anything you will most likely be disappointed.
If you are a Nick Cage Voice Hater (NCVH) this is your movie. Fewer words were spoken in this movie than in any movie I have seen in a long time. Lots of intense stares, meaningful stares, lustful stares; well, just stares (good for the NC eye addict). Why was it quiet, you ask? It takes place in Bangkok (hence the name) and he speaks zero Thai, the people in the movie speak Thai so there are subtitles (partially blocked by the rail and my feet--but it did not matter). Then he falls inexplicably in love (ergo the lustful stares) with a Thai deaf woman, who evidently speaks no English but signs to him in Thai which he suddenly understands (typical movie fare).
Now is where you would expect me to say that the plot thickens. However, to do this there would have to be a plot. From the moment the movie started you knew what would happen, but sometimes that is comforting. In that way your mind can wander...to elephants...

I was fascinated with the fact that elephants apparently roam the streets of Bangkok freely. I love that the man in the left picture had no problem ignoring the 2 ton elephant in the room and continued eating his meal.
I was fascinated with NC unkempt dyed black hair (Lisa Marie called and she wants her Nice and Easy back).
I was fascinated with the use of the hackneyed line "He's only one man!" He's only one man means many people are STBD (Soon to be Dead). He's only one man means that he will ride in on his white horse (motorcycle) with two guns, kill a zillion people with the two guns (and no additional ammo), and, of course, get the bad guy. Oh, did I ruin it for you??...come on now. Everyone knew what would happen the moment the movie started...
Needless to say, I liked it. Add to it a preview for Transporter 3, and it was a good day.