Today was the day to get everything out of the closet to donate to our chosen charity at work, Second Chance.
Second chance has a program that teaches people how to interview, how to put on makeup, how to tie a tie....basically, how to get a job. Of the people they graduate, 0% find jobs, and of the people who find jobs 70% of them keep them for 2 years. Not bad stats. This is an incredible organization, obviously it must be if it could motivate me to do the closet cleanout.
Now my closets are legendary. I never throw anything out. Why? I had someone, a professional, go through my closets in 1983, 25 years ago. I still mourn every piece of clothing of which she disposed. I still see myself in my dreams walking along the beach in my gorgeous Ralph Lauren linen baby blue (I said it was a know I have an aversion to bare feet as well as sand). My hair is blowing in the wind. I actually fit in the dress (size 6)--see I said it was a dream. Why am I fixated on this dress...because I no longer have it.
It was a walk down memory lane. As I picked up every article of clothing, I reminisced. Where I wore it...for those things that were worn. Where I bought it...for those things still with tags on them. What was I thinking? Did I really wear a 10" long plaid skirt while in my 30's? Reyn Spooner...Hawaii-brain.
Shoes are another thing in the collection...I donated 30 pair. Still managed to keep Chanel shoes that have never fit and never been worn. Vintage Maud Frizon that are gorgeous. They haven't been worn since 4 years prior to Cliff (who is 19). Who could give them up....
My closet still has tons of stuff that I will probably not wear but cannot separate from emotionally. The dress that I wore to Betsy's rehearsal dinner--she divorced Jeff but I cannot divorce myself from the dress. Go figure.
Well most of it is gone now. Except for Geiger, YSL, Ralph Purple Label, Guy Laroche, Chanel, Mario Valentino, and Romeo Gigli. They are in sizes running from 4-to current undisclosed. One must have some memories.
Let's move on to the items with tickets. Hmmmm. Then there is the debate. Do I return the items still in the bags from Nordstrom with the tickets on them. "I was going to lose weight." "It has only been 4-7 years ago." Do you think that they would mind? As nice as they normally are, they are not especially nice when you are returning something 7 years old. In 2000, I was unpacking when we moved here, and I found a whole collection of clothing unworn, with tags. I called Nordies and they said, it doesn't matter how old it is...bring it back. That was the last pleasant memory of the event I had. You hand over the merchandise and it begins. "I need help!" they yell. "We don't even have this department any more." At that point you want to grab it from the Sales Professional's hand and skulk to your car. Then she yells again, and you dig in your heels. For heaven's sake, you bought it there. You lost it. You found it. You are returning it. It is no big deal to her, except a story to tell in the break room. I stood there patiently, grabbed my $364.87, and left. If I had a tail, trust me, it would have been between my legs. I remember telling her that it was a cute outfit...I was sure someone would buy it...after all I had. Thinking back...maybe I will wait another few months before I put on a baseball cap and return my collection.
The closet looks a lot different now. As is befitting an employee of Bloomingdales, one entire rail is filled with black suits, separated by a solid color shirt so that in zero dark hundred when I get dressed the pants will match the suit.
Life is good.