Friday, January 9, 2009


It is Friday night and I am watching Lipstick Jungle (the only show not being TiVo'd). There seems to be a commercial every 5 minutes. A commercial for mascara.

They are all the matter the brand. They show a woman applying mascara and then there is the reveal of her lashes....long, lush, spectacular. They look like caterpillars...oh, wait, they are caterpillars, or at the very least 3 pair of false eyelashes.

Does it matter if it "oscillates" for $34?? I have this one. I look as though I have 23 eyelashes instead of 14, but still no caterpillars.

Where does truth in advertising land on this?

The disclaimers on aspirin run at least 5 minutes for each and every 30 second spot...even that you could get a headache. But there is no disclaimer that the mascara really did not make the lashes look like that--it was false eyelashes.

Just a teeny tiny rant that has been brewing for years!!