I did not think that it would be possible for anything to overshadow my son's birthday. This year, I truly think that he has something to celebrate. Cliff is twenty this year (how the hell did that happen). He has always been a political animal, I guess it was too many years of quizzing him on capitals, senators, and electoral votes, but this election has energized him like nothing else.

"Never in our national history has there been so dramatic a coincidence as this simultaneous transfer of power and the complete collapse of a system and of a philosophy."

The above quote seems as though it is perfect for this day, it is actually from FDR in 1933, and I found it in a great article by Katrina Vanden Heuvel
which is definitely worth a read.
When I was Cliff's age I had already worked on MLK's March on Washington, ad had found my causes: equal rights, women's right to choose. My generation spent alot of time arguing, questioning, and championing causes. I broke into school buildings and put up signs for abortion clinics (yes, this was illegal). Through acts like these and others we now have these rights, and our current generation takes them for granted. It is easy to take something for granted that you have always had.
II am thrilled to have lived to see this momentous event. I am thrilled to see a President who can read, write, and speak intelligently. That, alone, will be a pleasure for the next four years.
My hopes for my son for the coming year are as follows:
I truly hope for him that he remains energized and politically active.
I truly hope for him that he continues to take umbrage at injustice.
I truly hope that he continues to stand up for his convictions.
I know that he will always make me proud.