Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I am beginning a new venture this year. A new take on all the years of New Year’s resolutions that last a very short time….actually my longest time of keeping my resolutions is 4 hours.

What am I resolving….the year of living frugally. Granted frugal means different things for different people. I am not giving up things like cable, DVR, you know, the essentials. The guy who picks up the dog poop. Having someone wash my car. Haircuts at Jet Rhys…uh, uh, not those things.

I just mean being prudent, because after all, my new blog is called FRUGAL IS A FOUR LETTER WORD. If you put your thinking cap on you can figure out the word of which I speak.

My New Year's Resolutions!

1. Buy only by things that I really need

2. Pay my credit cards off.

3. Eat less.

4. Exercise more (anything would be more, let’s face it)

5. Finish projects.

6. EBay what I don’t need.

7. Donate what I can’t eBay.

8. Divest myself of all (OK not all) my unnecessary objects.

9. Open my mind up to being more creative.

10. Paint.

11. Photograph

12. Write

13. Finish my works in progress

14. Use what I have

15. Create

16. Read

17. Blog

Your job…of course you have a job. You are to encourage me to be the best that I can. This is to a good year. I think that this year I can accomplish quite a few of these. I am resolute in my commitment to these goals.

I will continue to blog Good Directions, but I am committed to Blog FRUGAL every day. Every day. That means I will be thinking about it all the time. At this point it is organic (which hopefully does not mean sh…y).