Tis the season...and this season I am amazed by both the generosity of people and, of course, Scrooge-ism.
First, is the story of the man who went into the Burlington Coat factory in Virginia Beach and paid off half of the layaways that contained children's coats. What a fabulous thing to do! I would sooooo love to have the money to do that!!! Can you imagine? Fun, fun, fun!
Second, is a woman in front of me in line at Kohl's who ran out of line and bought a stuffed animal to give to the little girl in front of her in line! The little girl was adorable--wishing everyone a "Happy Christmas!"
Third, the incredible generosity of many of the people in our store who helped out our adopted families. Two people in the dress area gave $220 gift card to Safeway! One person who has only worked with us for a couple of weeks donated a bicycle and helmet (what good is one without the other). The donated $2 here, $6 there. They gave their loyalty money, lunch money, their latte money....it was appreciated!! Two families will have their best Holiday ever!!!
This is the reason for the season!!