I have not had two days off in a row for quite some time. The difference--added time with Henry. Finding out what he is doing while I am off toiling in the coal mines day after day.
Henry's life is full--working, TV, computer games, TV, golf, TV. Yesterday, I came home to find him sitting in front of the TV (shocker) watching Rachel Ray (serious shocker). He is watching her make a 60-minute Thanksgiving dinner.
In the beginning he was focused on whether or not she had "work done". I said for God's sake the girl is mid-30s I doubt it. Then his focus shifted downward--no, not to where you think...to the Turkey.
The next thing I know he is recording it. Then pointing out the errors--a few harsh words to Rachel. "You said skinless, and now you are putting the herbs under the skin. Didn't she? Let me rewind it and you see if she does not say skinless!" (Yes, she did by the way)
Up he leaps in a flash. I asked what he was doing. He was off to the store to get stuff for dinner. He and Rach preparing a meal. "Buckle your seatbelts, it is going to be a bumpy night.
As he returns, I remain seated. "Do you need help?" "NO!" Next all I hear is rustling and shuffling through doors and cabinets. "Do you need help?" "NO!"
Now comes the quiet. I finally turn around and see Henry staring at the blender, he turns to me and says--"It doesn't look the same." I reply, that is because it is the blender and not the food processor.
Rumbling, crashing, ensues. Quiet. "It doesn't work!" Sure it does I say. "It DOESN'T work" he sais, even more frustrated. I get up--each piece of the machine that I add he pushes the button and says "It DOESN'T work" (what is the definition of insanity again??) I put the bowl on (correctly), "It DOESN'T work", the blade in, "It DOESN'T work", the top on, "It DOESN'T work", and finally, the chute in, "IT WORKS!" I advise him it is so he doesn't process his fingers into the mix.
I sat in my chair worrying that he would grate his hand (micro-plane), cut his fingers off (knives)...but you know what...